The Ultimate Yellowstone Experienced: A Week of Unforgettable Wildlife Encounters
TRIP REPORT: Wolves & Winter Wonders January 2025 Day 1: The guests arrived in Bozeman, where they had what I can only imagine was an exciting and memorable evening. I didn’t know this absolutely as I didn’t join the adventure until Day 2, but Bozeman is a great town, and the guests were about…
February 9, 2025
Slow Down and Smell the Sulphur
Whoosh. I pull into a roadside pullout to let yet another tailgating vehicle pass. “Everyone is in such a hurry,” I chuckle to myself as I return to the road, and we continue on our way. It is common for visitors to Yellowstone to try to pack as much as possible into one trip…
September 9, 2024
Engage Your Curiosity with Yellowstone Wild
Enjoy the magic of winter in Yellowstone. All video footage captured while on tour with guests.
August 17, 2024
A Different Kind of Quiet: Finding Solitude in Yellowstone’s Wilderness
Quiet. Solitude. Wilderness. As I tightened the last few straps on my backpack and hit the trail for three days deep in the backcountry of Yellowstone, I contemplated these three words and what they mean to me. It is becoming increasingly challenging to find quiet, solitude, or wilderness in our ever-modernizing world. But in places…
June 28, 2024
The Story of the Lion and the Goat: Part 2
This winter an incredible event unfolded here on the Northern Range of Yellowstone National Park. In late January a wildlife guide was watching a lone mountain goat high on a cliff band above the Lamar Valley. The goat stomped repeatedly while looking intently at the rock wall in front of it, or at least that…
April 18, 2024
A Wintery Week With Yellowstone’s Wolves
Photo courtesy of NPS – Yellowstone. We kicked off our Yellowstone adventure with a mesmerizing exploration of the Mammoth terraces in northern Yellowstone National Park. The intricate formations of travertine created a surreal landscape as if we were wandering through a scene from another planet. The geothermal activity was captivating, with steaming pools and colorful…
March 18, 2024
“Díos mío!” A Rare Mountain Lion Sighting on Tour with Yellowstone Wild
For most of the afternoon the large, tan-colored cat was basically impossible to see, bedded down behind a boulder high on the cliff ledge. Occasionally, it rolled over or repositioned, briefly revealing its foot or head from behind the rock, and if you looked really closely you could see the black tip of the lion’s…
March 8, 2024
An Epic Start to a Week in Yellowstone
One thing I like about guiding in Yellowstone National Park is that every day is different. There are some days where we have to work hard to find wildlife, and there are other days where Yellowstone smiles upon us and decides to share her bounty at every bend in the road. This was one of…
February 29, 2024
A Ghostly Howl: The Story of an Unforgettable Wolf Encounter
The howl of a wild wolf cuts right through to the soul. It is a haunting and beautiful sound, full of ancient wisdom, yearning, passion, and sorrow. I have heard that call many times, usually from a great enough distance that there is a few-second lag between seeing the howl in our spotting scopes and…
February 8, 2024
An Experience That Will Last a Lifetime: Wolf Week Turns Strangers Into Friends (Laura’s Take)
It was cold, dark, and early when I picked up the mixed group for day one of four we would have together. People in this group came from all over: a couple people from the Midwest; England was represented along with Canada; and someone even traveled all the way from Australia! They were strangers, soon…
February 2, 2024